These Are The Most Embarrassing Cars On Sale Today
We’re living in embarrassing times, folks, which means you’re probably better off if your car isn’t embarrassing as well. Unfortunately for some, there are a lot of vehicles out there that are downright humiliating to be caught behind the wheel of. That’s what led me to my question from last week.
Traffic Jams: Yeasayer - 'No Need to Worry / Redcave'
There was a time when people called “hipsters” roamed this great land from Brooklyn, New York to Portland, Oregon. Their bangs and Toyota Corollas knew nothing but side-swipes and their music was hard to describe. Indie, electronic folk rock? Sure, whatever.
Hybrid Jeep Cherokee replacement lands in 2025
NASA May Have Already Killed Life On Mars
When Vikings landed on Lindisfarne’s shores in 793, slaughtering the local English populace and pillaging the monastery of valuable relics beyond their cultural comprehension, they ushered in a new age of raiding and trading across Europe. More than 1000 years later, NASA’s Viking 1 lander might have done almost the…
Protect Your Corvette During Winter Storage and Score 10% Off from CarCapsule!
At $86,000, Does This 2009 Rolls-Royce Phantom Stand A Ghost Of A Chance?
Today’s Nice Price or No Dice Rolls is called a “collector’s item” by its seller, but suffers from a salvage title which might mitigate that collectability. Let’s see how this luxury barge fairs in our critique.